Item title | Author | Description | Language | Accession Number |
Memoir of Generosity: The Case of Assistance Extended to Tsunami Victims | Compiles diaries of generosity and assistance given by the Thai people to tsunami victims in Thailand, covering voices from relatives of the victims, volunteers, artists, and related donors. Reflects their impression on power of help and kindness behind physical and psychological losses from tsunami disaster. Mentions the role of art and culture in rehabilitating tsunami rictims | Thai | 69870 | |
New Initiatives for Disaster | Padilla, Teresita M | Reports on recent developments on a regional tsunami early warning centre and other related activities being carried out at the Asian Institute of Technology and the Asian Preparedness Centre (ADPC) on the AIT campus in Rangsit. Explains funding from the voluntary Trust Fund and different organizations and stakeholds coordinating in the establishment and operation of ADPC, concerning the core and monitoring network of tsunami warning systems in ...Continue Reading | English | 69866 |
One Year in Memory of the Tsunami Disaster, Proceedings of the Seminar | Technical Seminar on Surveillance and Preparation for Supporting Disaster (2005 : Phuket, Thailand) | Compiles articles presented at the seminar, dealing with tsunami alert and notification system, the risk reduction from the tsunami, and lessons learned from the 26 December 2004 tsunami disaster in Thailand. Suggests the building construction for resisting tsunami and earthquake, presenting the Thai translated version of Tsunami : The Great Waves . Compares photographs before and after tsunami attack at Phuket province, compiling knowledge an ...Continue Reading | Thai | 69801 |
Responding to Aceh's Tsunami: The First 40 Days | Deals with the tsunami on 26 December 2004 which pounded Aceh and the island of Nias in North Sumatra of Indonesia. Describes the impact that the tsunami had upon the social, political, physical, and economic infrastructure of Aceh. Examines the reaction of the international community and the effects of a foreign aid presence upon the province. Recommends for the future by ensuring the rehabilitation and reconstruction phases in Aceh, taking i ...Continue Reading | English | 69781 | |
Tsunami: One Year on the Challenges Ahead | Presents the news stories on challenges after one year of 2004 tsunami disaster. Presents on how fishermen were among those hardest-hit by the tsunami, citing many have received insufficient help. Raises awareness on conflicts caused by unfair distribution of donations, and temporary housings offered by state. Considers environmental damages along the Andaman coastline, slow recovery of small entrepreneurs, including the struggle of economic s ...Continue Reading | English | 69770 | |
Tsunami: The Great Waves | Compiles technical terms of and relations between earthquake and tsunami, giving the definition of tsunami or seismic sea wave . Increases awareness and knowledge of tsunami by discussing what tsunami is, what its cause is, and how warning systems can save lives. Describes tsunami phenomenon in terms of wave height and water depth, Pacific-wide and local tsunami, and its speed, greatness, and frequency. Provides tsunami warning information ...Continue Reading | Thai | 69750 | |
In the Tsunami's Wake: Media and the Coverage of Disasters in Asia | Presents a collective debriefing and processing of media's role in the coverage of the tsunami on December 26, 2004. Facilitates a sharing of disaster-coverage experiences among the region's journalists, validating how access to information can help mitigate disasters, save lives, and foster better governance. Discusses the role of the press in disaster managment and mitigation, covering the role in guarding against corruption and inefficiencie ...Continue Reading | English | 69639 | |
From Crisis (Tsunami Disaster) to Opportunities for Coastal Resources Rehabilitation and Management | Cherdchinda Chotiyaputta | Presents overall picture of coastal resources in Thailand, focusing on the effect of 26 December 2004 tsunami disaster on coastal resources at Andaman Sea in the areas of six provinces of Ranong, Phangnga, Phuket, Krabi, Trang, and Satun. Looks at its effect on coral reffs, sea grass, rate sea animals, fishery resources, mangrove forest and sand dunes, quality of coastal sea water, and coastal areas. Looks at the international cooperation on en ...Continue Reading | Thai | 69637 |
A New Dynamic for Peace? Post-Tsunami Reconstruction and Its Impact on Conflict Resolution: Case Studies from India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand | Compiles articles on lessons learned on the development of peace process from the post-tsunami construction efforts in four countries, namely Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. Deals with political and economic risks for sustainable reconstruction in the tsunami-affected areas, studying disaster management in conflict situations. Presents a case of politics of aid-post tusnami reconstruction and conflicts in India, the post-tsunami reco ...Continue Reading | English | 69619 | |
Voice from the Wave... | Rosa, Kumudhini | Traces the tsunami on December 2004 which devastated two thirds of the Sri Lankan coast, killed 35,000 people and destroyed the livelihood of over 300,000 in the island. Interviews women from the South and East of Sri Lanka, looking at how they survived the catastrophe, how they have been affected, and how they struggle to organize their survival in dignity. Focuses on their vulnerability as results of catastrophe, traditions, religious customs ...Continue Reading | English | 69607 |
Economic Impact of Tsunami on Thailand | Adis Israngkura Na Ayuthaya | Presents the conceptual framework in analyzing the economic impact of tsunami on the Thai economy. Provides the state of the Southern economy in six provinces, namely Phuket, Phangnga, Krabi, Ranong, Trang, and Satun. Considers the magnitude of physical impact of tsunami, ranging from loss of lives, loss of parents and children, homelessness, destruction to physical infrastructures, and destruction to natural resources. Analyzes economic loss ...Continue Reading | English | 69601 |
Moken and Semang: 1936-2004 Persistence and Change | Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf | Analyzes the situation of the Moken or sea-gypsies and the Semang (Negritos) , describing how the Moken survived the tsunami of December 2004. Explains how their preservation of traditional and culture enabled them to understand what happened at sea, before the disaster struck. Analyzes the Mlabri language and the Moken Oral Corpus. Investigates why there were no deaths among the sea nomads, especially the Moken of Koh Surin in Thailand in th ...Continue Reading | English | 69600 |
Children and the Tsunami | Penrose, Angela | Assesses the part children played in the response to the post-tsunami after December 26, 2004. Studies the extent to which organizations responded to the emergency situation engaged with children and young people in the different phases of the response. Identifies types of approaches to the management of disasters that include children both as beneficiaries and actors. Considers problems that occurred after the tsunami and the effectiveness of ...Continue Reading | English | 69465 |
Tsunami: 12 Months After | Gives an overview of operational plan for the first 12 months after the tsunami in December 2004, focusing on the post-tsunami role of children, inter-agency coordination and accountability. Encourages vulnerable children to have a voice as part of recovery programme on health, psychosocial support, education and early childhood care and development, habitat, lilvelihood, and child rights, protection and participation. Covers the voices of chil ...Continue Reading | English | 69464 | |
Coexistence with Nature in a 'Glocalizing' World--Field Science Perspectives--, Proceedings of the 7th Kyoto University International Symposium 2005, November 23-24, 2005, Hotel Nai Lert Park, Bangkok, Thailand | Kyoto University International Symposium Coexistence with Nature in a 'Glocalizing' World--Field Science Perspectives-- (7th : 2005 : Bangkok, Thailand) | Compiles papers on coexistence with nature in a Glocalizing World . Describes the contradictory intertwining process of glocalization , referring to localist responses manifested by communities to defend their traditions against globalization, and to bound themselves into regions to come up with an effective response to globalization. Presents papers under four main topics : learning lessons from recent tsunami in the Indian Ocean and disas ...Continue Reading | English | 69458 |
Another Day, Another Threat | Nalinee Thongtham | Reports how the coral that survived the tsunami is now being threatened with bleaching. Focuses on the coral reefs around Koh Hae, Koh Maiton, Koh Aew, and Koh Lone in the Andaman Sea around Phuket province. Mentions other shallow water reefs on the Western side of the gulf of thailand, such as those in Surat Thani and Chumphon provinces, which are also suffering from bleaching. Reveals from scientists' monitoring that coral bleaching directly ...Continue Reading | English | 69243 |
Livelihood Recovery and Environmental Rehabilitation: Thailand | Assesses the mid-to long-term impact of the tsunami disaster in South Thailand, identifying possible areas of partnerships between Government agencies, local NGOs, the World Bank, and UN agencies. Considers impacts of the Tsunami on livelihoods, presenting recommendations for sustainable recovery of livellihoods amony the local population. Looks at the fisheries impacts and response of the Thai Department of Fisheries, i.e. : targeting impacte ...Continue Reading | English | 69119 | |
Tourism and Disaster: The Tsunami Waves in Southern Thailand | Cohen, Erik | Studies issues on tourism and disaster, focusing on the tsunami which struck the beaches of the Andaman Sea coast in Southern Thailand on 26 December 2004. Consdiers the vulnerability of tourist area to disaster, relating to human and economic effects of disaster on tourist area, the events surrounding the disaster and the immediate response, the effects of the disaster on tourism to the area, and the consequences of the disaster for the structu ...Continue Reading | English | 69117 |
Impacts of the Tsunami on Fisheries, Aquaculture and Coastal Livelihoods--Update on the Situation of the Affected Areas-- | Reports the impacts on coastal livelihoods of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. Details the impact in terms of loss of human lives, victims, losses estimation, fisheries, and aquaculture of the individual seven cuntries affected. Includes other related news in each country. Discusses the magnitude of funding required to rehabilitate destroyed sources of livelihoods, providing an example of assessing and determining the level of funding required. Cont ...Continue Reading | English | 68923 | |
UNEP Asian Tsunami Disaster Task Force: Situation Report 3, 11 January 2005 | Outlines the requests and that been received as well as response that United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has already provided since Tsunami hit several countries in the Indian Ocean in 26 December 2004. Presents the requests from the affected countries, covering Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maldives, India, Seychelles, and Yemen. presents the measures by UNEP to respond to the environmental needs in terms of offers of support, estab ...Continue Reading | English | 68911 |