ASCC: Social welfare and Protection
Item title | Author | Description | Language | Accession Number |
Report on ASEAN-Japan Senior Officials' Meeting on International Cooperation and Disability, 31 August 2015, Tokyo, Japan | Revisits ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) blueprint, it goals and strategic measures. Presents a report on public policy and social activities for disabled people in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Covers demographic statistics, government programs for the disabled citizen, living conditions, domestic laws, job opportunities, outcomes, and future plans. Highlights Japan ...Continue Reading | English | 94271 | |
The 6th Preparedness to ASEAN Community: Thailand and the Center of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, Academic Conference on 25 April 2014, at Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel | Academic Conference on Preparedness to ASEAN Community (6th : 2014 : Bangkok) | Summarizes key discussions from the 6th Academic Conference on Preparedness to ASEAN Community: Thailand and the Centre of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC), covering directions for Thailand to be the hub of ASCC, progress and readiness of sectorial bodies to enter ASEAN community. Demonstrate policies, outcomes and ongoing projects relating to 5 aspects, covering human resource development and social welfare for the disabilities, ASEAN educ ...Continue Reading | Thai | 94230 |
Myanmar Migrant Health Volunteers in Bangkhunthien-Their Health Literacy Transfer in Ethnic Language | Hnin, Oo Mon | Introduces how Thailand includes migrant workers in the Universal Health Coverage Scheme in 2015, under the pillar of ASEAN Sociocultural Community (ASCC). Focuses on the Myanmar migrant workers community at Bangkhuntien District, Bangkok which consist of different ethnic groups such as Burmese, Mon, Rakhine, Karen, and Shan. Looks at the role of the BMA's Health Center 42 in providing health care services to 20,000 migrant workers in Bangkhunt ...Continue Reading | English | 93973 |
Reporting Development in ASEAN | Analyzes development, social issues and challenges around the work of ASEAN from Southeast Asian journalists' point of view. Describes public perceptions towards ASEAN, such as: being a dispute-settlement body its uniqueness of consensus decision-making and principle of non-interference being institutions that remake themselves on basis of their national interests its multi-facet of 10 bilateral relations within the region and Myanmar's media. ...Continue Reading |
English | 93871 | |
ASEAN Community and Managing Traditional and Non-Traditional Security | Compiles 7 articles with case studies of Southeast and Northeast Asia relations to examine challenges and opportunities of ASEAN integration and implications for Korea, including ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) and non-traditional security, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community aspects. Argues that the APSC differs from previous efforts as it focuses on building rule-based community. Criticizes that the A ...Continue Reading |
English | 93689 | |
Landscape of Antimicrobial Resistance Situation and Action in Thailand | Reports the situation of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Thailand and its impact on human, livestock, aquatic animals, and plants. Describes piloting task of antimicrobial resistance at the global level, regarding global and political leaders, global health, Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), Foreign Policy and Global Health (FPGH), and civil society. Covers the regional level in Southeast Asia, ASEAN, and the country level in Thailand. M ...Continue Reading | Thai | 93466 | |
ASEAN Connectivity | Examines the themes of connections within and between countries in Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN). Provides foreground ethnographic details highlighting the process, performances and mechanisms that both facilitate and reproduce connectivity in Southeast Asia. Describes agrarian-related issues, and examines local perspectives towards opium cultivation in Shan State of Myanmar. Analyzes upland rubber farming in ASEAN Economic Com ...Continue Reading | English | 93382 | |
Labour Rights and Social Protection of Migrant Workers in ASEAN: A Case Study of Thailand's Policy Towards Unskilled Burmese Migrant Workers, Final Report | Sutthiluck Sangsuwan | Studies the labour rights and social protection in international level and ASEAN level. Considers the measures for social protection and international/ASEAN labour rights which serve as the benchmark and the role model for ASEAN member states. Studies the Thai government's policy towards labour rights and social protection for migrant workers. Analyzes problems and obstacles based on Burmese migrant workers and Thai government's workforce poli ...Continue Reading | Thai | 93284 |
The State of Social Protection in ASEAN at the Dawn of Integration | Ong, Cheng Boon | Provides an overview of the social protection situation in each of ASEAN countries in 2015 from the angle of the four guarantees adopted in 2012 under the ILO's Social Protection Floors (SPF) Recommendation (No. 202). Covers information on key indicators, social protection context, economic and social trends, ongoing reforms, further challenges, and examples of ILO work. Looks at the access to essential health care in ASEAN countries, dealing w ...Continue Reading | English | 93192 |
Report of the ASEAN Regional Assessment of MDG Achievement and Post-2015 Development Priorities | Presents milestones and annual target of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) among ASEAN members in 8 aspects, namely: to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger to achieve universal primary education to promote gender equality and women empowerment to reduce child mortality to improve maternal health to combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other diseases to ensure environmental sustainability and to develop a global partnership for development. Out ...Continue Reading | English | 92710 | |
Guidelines on ASEAN Good Aquaculture Practices (ASEAN GAqP) for Food Fish | Introduces background, purpose, scope, development and country representatives of ASEAN Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP) for Food Fish. Outlines agreed conducts of ASEAN GAqP (Food Fish) in 4 aspects, namely food safety, animal health and welfare, environmental integrity, and socio-economic aspects. Emphasizes that the aquaculture activities should be conducted in accordance with international food safety standard and regulations by FAO/ WHO, ...Continue Reading | English | 92700 | |
ASEAN Reality: Opportunity, Dream, and Truth | Provides information on the origin and importance of the 3 pillars of ASEAN Community: ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC), and ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC). Analyzes topics on labour market, financial future, business sector and Thailand's SMEs, the promotion of competitiveness, as well as the role and vision of ASEAN civil society and culture, identity, violence, and ethnic diversity in the ASEAN ...Continue Reading | Thai | 89408 | |
Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty in Selected ASEAN Countries | Analyzes the impacts of unconditional and conditional cash transfers on income distribution and poverty in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam. Refers to the programs which provide households with cash payments as long as they make use of public services. Looks at the potential impacts of various cash transfer programs on poverty in old-age in Vietnam, covering characteristics of the elderly population in terms of poverty and vulnerability. Present ...Continue Reading | English | 89221 | |
A.A.T Newsletter | Summarizes the 22nd ASEAN Summit, 2013 at Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise (ARF DiREx), 2013. Reviews training program for Rajaphat University's lecturer preparing for the ASEAN Community. Mentions desserts in ASEAN member countries, Naypyidaw in Myanmar, and ASEAN news and activities. | Thai | 89136 | |
Migrant Workers and Social Protection in ASEAN: Moving Towards a Regional Standard? | Hall, Andy | Considers ASEAN's migrant workers and social protection toward a regional standard. Describes the standards on migrant social protection at the international and ASEAN level. Provides case studies of social protection system in Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Includes recommendations for regional action by ASEAN member states. | English | 89100 |
Proceedings on Health Inequality and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC): A Regional Perspective: International Joint Conference between Mahidol University and De La Salle University 19th and 20th August 2013 at SD Avenue Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand | International Joint Conference between Mahidol University and De La Salle University (19th and 20th : 2013 : Bangkok) | Consists of 13 research articles covering many areas of ASEAN countries. Contains issues related to health care system in various aspects: humanized health care, marginalized populations, migrant workers, health inequity, health care and pharmaceutical management. Deals with law establishment to reduce malpractices and discrimination towards people living with HIV/AIDS in ASEAN and investigation of humanized healthcare teaching in mental illness ...Continue Reading | English | 88794 |
Post-Nargis Needs Assessment and Monitoring | Presents types of assessment and monitoring after Cyclone Nargis struck the coast of Myanmar on 2 and 3 May 2008, and ASEAN's response to Nargis. Contains the deployment of the ASEAN-Emergency Rapid Assessment Team (ERAT), Post-Nargis Joint Assessment (PONJA), Village Tract Assessment (VTA), and Damage and Loss Assessment (DALA). Includes two monitoring projects, namely the Periodic Review (PR) and the Social Impacts Monitoring (SIM) study, and ...Continue Reading | English | 88663 | |
Population and Society 2013: Population and Society in ASEAN: Challenges and Opportunities | Presents articles on population structure and economic stability of ASEAN. Deals with population ageing, marriage and family in the context of ASEAN. Sheds lights on ASEAN and connectedness of citizens and nation-states. Looks at grassroots people in ASEAN countries, and the connectedness between Thailand and Malaysia through history and social positioning as well as ethnic identity conservation among the Malaysian-Siamese or Malaysian-Thai. ...Continue Reading | Thai | 88566 | |
ASEAN and the Indian Ocean: Policy Paper | Compiles articles on key issues in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and the interests of ASEAN, focusing on the maritime dimension. Traces history of the political relations and maritime links between Southeast Asian and the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Focuses on Indian Ocean Region (IOR) cooperation with ASEAN in three categories, including regional stability and cooperation, maritime policy, and ocean management. | English | 88379 | |
guidelines to Protect Contract Workers | Terapol Koonmuang | Considers the economic crisis in 2008 which affected large scale of workers in Thailand. Studies the facts and legal conditions to draw up guideline for the protection of contract workers. Uses qualitative method with contract workers in the following businesses: manufacturing of electronic components, production of automotive components, as well as equipments/appliances. Analyzes the legal issues between contract workers and regular employees ...Continue Reading | Thai | 88378 |