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ASCC: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability


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Adaptation to Climate Change: ASEAN and Comparative Experiences Investigates how ASEAN member states deal with climate change and ecosystems, comparing to other Asia-Pacific islanders' experience, including China, Kenya, Mesoamerica, Taiwan and other developing countries. Deals with coastal warming and sea level rise. Studies legal framework, policies, and governance to handle climate change and ecosystems, such as water management in Mesoamerica, legal and policy reform for ecosystems in Malaysia, new poli ...Continue Reading English 94178
Project on Preparation of Industrial and Business Sector on Energy Conservation and Alternative Energy to Support the Accession to ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), Final Report

Studies renewable energy and energy efficiency industry in 10 ASEAN countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Investigates demand and supply of the mentioned industry relating to technology, materials, products and services, market competitiveness, each state's policies, rules and regulations, and other ASEAN's agreements in coherent with the industry. Prioritizes f ...Continue Reading

Thai 94070
Southeast Asia Energy Outlook: World Energy Outlook Special report Looks at the situation of energy in Southeast Asia, considering energy demand, energy resources, supply and trade, fossil-fuel subsidies, modern energy access, and future development. Gives an overview of primary energy demand, outlook for end-use sectors, and outlook for the power sector. Mentions energy demand trends in Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia. Covers fossil fuel resources and supply potential in terms of resources and ...Continue Reading English 93310
Tourism Supply Chains and Natural Disasters: The Vulnerability Challenge and Business Continuity Models for ASEAN Countries Breiling, Meinhard Considers the challenges of tourism development as exemplified by the value and supply chains from local to global level. Looks at types of tourism in the value chain, and leveraging value from touristic and non-touristic business. Describes the development of the global tourism value chain, equality between tourists and hosts as a value factor, resource management and the tourism value chain, and the tourism supply chain. Considers the touris ...Continue Reading English 93304
Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security in ASEAN Discusses on food security in terms of ASEAN Socio-Cultural (ASCC) blueprint and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) blueprint. Revisits the food security under AEC aspect and the climate change impact on food security from socio-cultural perspective. Argues 3 reasons necessarily to address the food security in relation to climate change and disaster risk under the ASCC blueprint. Covers the ASCC scope that mostly includes environment security, cli ...Continue Reading English 92765
Tracking Clean Energy Progress in ASEAN Member States and Analysis of Implementation Deficits Venkatachalam Anbumozhi Discusses on ASEAN clean energy adoption for products and services among low-income households, employees, and business owners. Traces energy issues in Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), clean energy target and implementation deficits in ASEAN in terms of economic perspectives. Demonstrates 'polluter pays' as a fiscal policy framework to accelerate the use of clean energy, such as Green incentive, subsidies or tax break for green energy enter ...Continue Reading English 92757
Empowering Communities and Countries to Conserve Biodiversity at the National and ASEAN Levels: Status, Challenges, and Ways Forward Sajise, Percy E. Defines biodiversity, agro-biodiversity and the importance of ASEAN where 3 of 17 mega biodiverse countries of the world located, namely Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia. Analyzes status, capacity, opportunity and challenges of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Mentions 10 goals to conserve the biodiversity. Identifies action plans to protect agro-biodiversity, as well as plant genetic reso ...Continue Reading English 92671
Transboundary Haze Pollution Problem in Southeast Asia : Reframing ASEAN's Response Apichai Sunchindah Deals with transboundary haze pollution caused by agricultural burning which leads to catastrophic land and forest fires in 2013 for parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, as well as in 2015 for partial Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand. Identifies root causes and impact of land fires and boundary haze which affects health, transportation, tourism and other issues. Emphasizes potential solutions and suggestes ways forward, focusing ...Continue Reading English 92669
Study on Effective Power Infrastructure Investment Through Power Grid Interconnections in East Asia Aims to analyze an optimum power generation mix for Asian countries and discuss existing power development plans. Introduces a study on possibility and benefits of ASEAN's intra-regional power-grid interconnections among Vietnam, Lao PDR, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. Provides feasibility analysis of 3 selected routes namely, Thailand-Lao PDR, Vietnam-Lao PDR-Thailand, and Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore. Identifies institutional and ...Continue Reading English 92663
China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Introduces the ASEAN-China Summit which developed the China-ASEAN environmental cooperation. Describes China-ASEAN environmental protection strategy in 2009-2015, ASEAN-China environmental action plan in 2011-2013, ASEAN plus 3 environment ministers meeting, ASEAN-China environmental cooperation forum, China-ASEAN green envoys program, and cooperation regarding environmental technology and industry. English 89384
China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center Comprises activities organized by China and ASEAN community from 2010-2011 starting from the cooperation's establishment and implementation to the foundation of their forum and the research for creating environmental policy and platform. Reviews the details on China-ASEAN strategy on environmental protection cooperation plans for 2009-2015. Illustrates the organizational structure of the cooperation center graphically. English 89383
Study on the Strategic Usage of Coal in the EAS Region Studies the importance of coal and clean coal technology for improving energy security in the East Asia Summit Region (EAS region). Deals with economic benefits clean coal technology, and the development of technological potential map of clean coal technology dissemination in the EAS region. Looks at the trends of energy demands and the political positioning of coal. Gives an overview of regulations related to coal-fired power station in vario ...Continue Reading English 89241
Proceedings of the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Conference on Sustainable Fisheries for Food Security Towards 2020 Fish for the People 2020 : Adaptation to a Changing Environment Bangkok, Thailand, 13-17 June 2011, Volume I: The Conference Proceedings ASEAN-SEAFDEC Conference on Sustainable Fisheries for Food Security Towards 2020 (2011 : Bangkok, Thailand) Presents proceeding of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) and the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) on sustainable fisheries for food security towards 2020. Discusses fisheries and ASEAN community building by ASEAN, fisheries for poverty alleviation and socio-economic well-being of fishers, and emerging issues in world fisheries and aquaculture. Points out enchanting governance in fishery management, sustaina ...Continue Reading English 89207
Social Impact of Climate Change on Land Tenure and Land Policy: Case Studies from ASEAN, European Union, and NAFTA Herrmann, Wilfried A. Reviews the relationship between land use and climate change, related to the socioeconomic impact of climate change on land utilization, adaptation measures, and land policy to reduce these impacts. Analyzes the problems of land use due to the climate change in different regions and selected countries e.g. ASEAN, European Union, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Thailand, Germany, Canada, and Mexico. Includes the legal structure, ...Continue Reading Thai 88503
Social Impact of Climate Change on Land Tenure and Land Policy: Case Studies from ASEAN, European Union, and NAFTA, Executive Summary Herrmann, Wilfried A. Summarizes the impact of climate change in ASEAN, EU, NAFTA, and selected countries, covering the impact on agriculture, natural disaster and weather turbulence, and threats to coastal areas due to the rising sea levels. Provides policy suggestions for the climate change management and land tenure, concerning the international environment standard, empowerment of the international institutions, law on land ownership and land tenure, internationa ...Continue Reading Thai 88502
Summary of Academic Dialogues: ASEAN Studies Center, National Defence Studies Institute for Fiscal Year 2012 Compiles academic dialogues from ASEAN Studies Center, National Defence Studies institute for fiscal year 2012. Deals with s ASEAN and disaster management: a case study on severe flood. Covers topics on the roles of superpower nations toward the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting: benefits and implications. Discusses the Dawei deep-sea port and industrial estate in terms of opportunities and challenges for ASEAN and Thailand. Looks at energy cri ...Continue Reading English 88270
ASEAN and the EU in the International Environment Mahncke, Dieter Deals with responses of ASEAN and EU to global changes in relations with the migration, organized transnational crime and drug trafficking, drug trafficking and international crime, and weapon of mass destruction. Describes ASEAN and EU and the global financial system, noting the autonomy, institutions, and the Baht crisis and the regional monetary integration and global challenges with the case of the European Union and some reflections on East ...Continue Reading English 88151
Thought/Issues Paper on ASEAN Food Security: Towards a more Comprehensive Framework Desker, Barry Notes that food security is fundamental to human security and sustainable development. Argues that as ASEAN moves towards an integrated community of caring societies in 2015 and beyond. Cites that food security should be an integral part of the ASEAN community building agenda and deserves more attention than it has been getting in the AEC Blueprint. Contends that ASEAN needs to be infused with a new thinking on food security that is responsive ...Continue Reading English 87960
Advancing a People's ASEAN Continuing Dialogue 2nd ASEAN People's Forum 5th ASEAN Civil Society Conference (2009 : Phetchaburi) Reports on the 2nd ASEAN People's Forum/5th ASEAN Civil Society Conference held in October 2009 in Cha-am, Thailand. Presents discussions that took place among different groups and individuals of the ASEAN civil society sector as well as with some government representatives, noting that these discussions focused on the four main issues of socio-economic aspects socio-cultural aspects political and security aspects and the environment. Indica ...Continue Reading Multilanguage 87810
ASEAN Dimension in Literature: From the Past Until the Age of Globalization Compiles 11 articles on ASEAN literature, covering literature in the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Deals with the journey towards self-discovery in selected Filipino lyric poems, Filipino novel: State of War, Vietnamese poems from 1954-present (2002), concept of virtuous women in Cambodian novels, and hybridity and plural identities in Singaporean literary works. Analyzes U Po Gy ...Continue Reading Thai 87775
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