Report on ASEAN-Japan Senior Officials' Meeting on International Cooperation and Disability, 31 August 2015, Tokyo, Japan
Accession Number94271
TitleReport on ASEAN-Japan Senior Officials' Meeting on International Cooperation and Disability, 31 August 2015, Tokyo, Japan
Material TypeBook
Page89 p. : ill.+ 1 CD-ROM
SubjectsASEAN, ASCC, disability, disabled care, disabled persons, disability benefits, nongovernmental organizations, government programmes, social services, social welfare, community services, regional cooperation, international cooperation, Southeast Asia, Japan, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Brunei Darussalam
Revisits ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) blueprint, it goals and strategic measures. Presents a report on public policy and social activities for disabled people in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Covers demographic statistics, government programs for the disabled citizen, living conditions, domestic laws, job opportunities, outcomes, and future plans. Highlights Japan's proposed cooperation and recommendations for ASEAN agenda towards the disability, such as ASEAN-Japan collaboration and economic partnership facilitating disability exchange on cultural life, recreation, leisure and sports development projects for the disability in the Mekong sub-region initiatives for disabled children and Japan's support for disability-inclusive community building through various Japan foundations.
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