Ageing Society
Item title | Author | Description | Language | Accession Number |
A Collection of Articles on Sociology and Anthropology 2006 on the Retirement of Professor Dr. Amara Pongsapich | Compiles eight research and theoretical articles on sociology and anthropology. Considers how to create the system and formulate policies for coping with natural disasters like Tsunami in sociological perspectives. Discusses the issues of ethnic groups, crime and access to justice, focusing on the judicial process in three Southern border privinces. Attempts to understand the development of ethnic category and identity of ethnic groups that us ...Continue Reading | Thai | 71719 | |
The Roles and Sustainability of Public Welfare Fund in the Aging Society--A Case Study of Songkhla Province | Worawet Suwanrada | Indicates that income insurance for retired or aged persons has not been available for all of Thai people. Studies welfare management for old age persons provided by some groups of people's organizations, focusing on the Public Welfare Fund of Songkhla provice. Considers background information and establishment of this Fund, covering regulations, members, contributions and benefits. Analyzes pension system of this Fund using generational accou ...Continue Reading | Thai | 71668 |
Annual Report 2005, The Bureau of Empowerment for Older Persons | Presents vision, mission, obligations and structure of the Bureau of Empowerment for Older Persons, summarizing significant works in the year 2005. Reviews the outcome of duties performance, noting activities performed by the National Commission on the elderly. contains the projects on elderly right promotion, volunatry home care, implementation of law, and orientation for retirement. Mentions projects organized by the Ministry of Social Devel ...Continue Reading | English | 71585 | |
Strategic Framework for the National Economic and Social Restructuring in the Period of 4 Years (2005-2008) | Gives an overview of economic and social change in Thailand during 2001-2004. Considers changes in development contexts, dealing with economic integration and global financial integration, technology, society, environment, and consumer behavior. Considers basic principles on social and economic restructuring, mentioning economic stability and sustainability, value creation from knowledge application, proactive social policy to create positive e ...Continue Reading | Thai | 71481 | |
Social Safety Net: Saving System for Informal Labor's Welfare and Ageing | Suwattana Sriphirom | Presents background of social safety net in Thailand, focusing on social welfare and social insurance for the manpower in informal sector and the Ageing. Proposes the saving system for these groups by means of community/area base scheme, comparing the social safety net between formal and informal sectors. Describes the saving system in terms of type, coverage, institutional framework, insurance scheme, and government support | Thai | 71414 |
Preliminary Feasibility of Savings and Pension System Options, Final Report | Somchai Richupan | Studies options for the savings and pension system of manpower in informal sector. Gives an overview of current situation of the informal sector, mentioning types of savings, and long-term contracted savings. Presents guidelines for the savings system by means of community/area base scheme, occupation scheme, and religion scheme. Looks at the pension system in terms of special characteristics, coverage, savings rate, benefit, and institutional ...Continue Reading | Thai | 71409 |
Pilot Project for the Setting Up of Community's Pension Fund by Community Mechanism, Study Report | Presents background of the pilot project on setting up the Community's Pension Fund cooperated between the World Bank and Ministry of Labour in Thailand. Focuses on community/area base scheme, sharing opinions on the Fund among the participation of the local communities in Chachoengsao, Nakhon Ratchasima, and Pathum Thani Provinces. Presents the drafts of provision for the community's pension fund in each community | Thai | 71405 | |
The Effect of an Ascetic Exercise Program on the Physical Performance of the Elderly in Tambon Kukot, Lumlookka District, Pathumtani Province | Piyanuch Yoadsomsuay | Provides information on the elderly, exercise of the elderly, and ascetic exercise. Studies physical performance outcome of the elders after participating in the ascetics exercise program. Compares the average score of pretest and posttest physical health status and symptoms affecting the activity of daily living, the average score of agility of motion using Time Movement Battery test (TMS test), the average score of pretest and posttest functi ...Continue Reading | English | 71321 |
Needs of and Readiness to Respond to the Needs of Long Stay Tourism for Cultural Exchange by the Thai Community--A Case Study of Japanese Pensioner Target Market | Prathurng Hongsranagon | Provides general information on Japanese population composition, aging society, pension fund, social change, special interest in long stay tourism, including concepts and comparison of Thai and Japanese culture and societies, niche marketing, societal marketing, psychological guidelines and health services model. Reviews background of the management of long stay tourism in Thailand. Presents the results and analysis of the needs of long stay Ja ...Continue Reading | Thai | 71314 |
The Study of Healthy Thai Indicators | Develops indicators for healthy Thai people which covered the whole aspects of physical, mental, social, behavioral and spiritual well-beings in relation to the Thai context. Tests validity and reliability of the developed indicators, evaluating the healthy status of Thai people in various age groups in different regions of the country. Reveals that population in all age groups had fairly well physical health and received health care services, ...Continue Reading | Thai | 71246 | |
A Collection of Speeches of Police Lieutenant Colonel Thaksin Shinawatra, the Prime Minister 2001-2005 | Compiles speeches of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra delivered on varius occasions during 2001-2005. Classifies the speeches into following sections : the royal glorification economy and industry public health, society, and security education, science and technology government religion and culture sport and narcotics mass communication appreciation and memorial speech and youth, women, and the disadvantaged | Thai | 71013 | |
Essentials of Migration Management: A Guide for Policy Makers and Practitioners, Volume Two: Developing Migration Policy | Explores challenges and opportunities in the development of migration policy, discussing statistical data and demographic information as source of information for the development of appropriate migration policy. Reviews specific areas for policy development beginning with development and trade, and continuing with family, labour, health, security, displacement, and gender. Identifies issues and activities related to four main areas of migration ...Continue Reading | English | 70965 | |
Mortality Situation ... Reflection of Population Security, Annual Conference on 30 June 2006 at Asia Hotel, Bangkok | Annual Conference on Population and Society 2006 (2nd : 2006 : Bangkok) | Presents the situation of mortality in the aspects of demography and social science. Compiles articles on mortality of Thai population, analyzing the situation of illness and mortality caused by employment. Examines various causes of mortality, mentioning death and casaulties from the tsunami disaster on 26 December 2004. Deals with death in the view of Buddhism, and Behavioral Economics concept. Considers the relation between mortality and ...Continue Reading | Thai | 70932 |
Standards for Welfare Promotion and Rights Protection of Older Persons | Namphueng Meesin | Presents the concept used for setting up the standards for welfare promotion and rights protection of older persons. Provides the scope and implementation of the standards, covering definitions of related terms. Contains the detail of the standards for the whole vulnerable groups, and the specific standards for older persons | Thai | 70840 |
Standards for Welfare Promotion and Rights Protection of the Disadvantaged | Thiphaphon Phothawin | Describes the concept used for setting up the standards for welfare promotion and rights protection of disadvantaged groups, noting the poors, strayed persons, stateless persons, released prisoners, and HIV infected persons and families. Provides the scope and implementation of the standards, covering defintions of terms used. Includes the detail of the standards for the whole vulnerable groups, and the standards for the disadvantaged groups on ...Continue Reading | Thai | 70838 |
Strategic Plan, Bureau of Welfare Promotion and Protection of Children, Youth, and Disadvantaged, Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons 2548-2550 | Introduces the Office of Welfare Promotion, Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups, related to the mission and strategies of its affiliated Ministry. Describes strategic planning of the Office, based on its vision, mission, objectives and targets. Deals with strategies on promoting partnership and finding mechanism for developing traget groups, covering strategies on developing internal process of the organization and budget management ...Continue Reading | Thai | 70835 | |
Risk Assessment and Social Vulnerability: Assessment of Social Protection at the Level of Organizations and Institutions in Thailand | Reviews literature on social protection in Thailand classified into four categoreis : social security systems, labor protection, social welfare, and social services. Gives the details on ex-ante risk management of social protection institutions, noting institution for workers' skill development, and institution supporting local communities. Considers the ex-post risk management of social protection institutions, focusing on the tasks of the Min ...Continue Reading | Thai | 70761 | |
Summary of Demographic and Socio-economic Situation of Thailand 2005 | Compiles the significant information on population, economic and social situation of Thailand, including marriage and divorce, trends on working conditions of Thai population in 2005, employment status in 2004, working role of Thai women, and living status of civil servant during the economic recovery period. Reviews the fundamental structure of Thai infromation and communication technology (ICT), comparing with those of ASEAN countries. Review ...Continue Reading | Thai | 70643 | |
Reproductive Health of Women in Thailand: Progress and Challenges Towards Attainment of International Development Goals | Gives an overview of the status of women in Thailand, indicating trends in women's political and economic participation. Examines Thailand's progress in the area of women's reproductive health in the context of major international decalarations and conventions. Deals with reproductive health concerns, including maternal mortality STI/HIV/AIDS, adolescent reproductive health, reproductive malignancies, and older person's reproductive health. Re ...Continue Reading | English | 70613 | |
The Creation and Development of Standards, Criteria, and Indicators for the Development of Children, Youth, Disadvantaged, Disabled, and the Aged | Gives an information on standardization, indicator, and health quality concept, including health quality index in United Kingdom, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Thailand, e.g. Well-being Index, Human Achievement Index (HAI), Human Security Index, etc. Studies and creates standards, criteria, and indicators for social service providers and affiliated organization to promote welfare and quality of life and to protect the rights of targeted groups that ...Continue Reading | Thai | 70538 |