guidelines to Protect Contract Workers
Accession Number88378
Titleguidelines to Protect Contract Workers
Title (Thai)แนวทางการคุ้มครองลูกจ้างรับเหมาค่าแรง
Material TypeResearch
AuthorTerapol Koonmuang
Page59 p.
SubjectsASEAN, ASCC, economic recession, contract labour, labour relations, workers, legal aspects, ASEAN countries, Thailand
Considers the economic crisis in 2008 which affected large scale of workers in Thailand. Studies the facts and legal conditions to draw up guideline for the protection of contract workers. Uses qualitative method with contract workers in the following businesses: manufacturing of electronic components, production of automotive components, as well as equipments/appliances. Analyzes the legal issues between contract workers and regular employees and provides suggestions regarding provision of benefits and fair benefits. Includes a summary of law on labour welfare and production in ASEAN.
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